Monday, April 28, 2014

#3 Revised Summary/Plan/Update

3. I had to change around some of my questions and the WAY that I asked them. I had to be very specific as to what I was trying to get out of the question. That is why I placed the basic questions such as, age, religion, and state towards the end of the survey. I did this because lets say I put these questions at the beginning of my survey, and people were dealing with the one that asked about religion, they would automatically believe that they would have to answer these questions so that it coincided with what is morally correct according to their religious affiliation. That is not the point of this survey the point is to get honest and genuine feedback from people, and see how much my research relates to the reactions and level of acceptance that people show towards this practice. I also made a minor change for my scale questions. I was originally going to do a scale from 1-10, but realized that my questions are not broad enough for that many options.

Monday, April 7, 2014

#2 Details About My Polygamy Survey

I will be releasing a survey on Facebook explaining the details of the project and what I am trying to accomplish using the responses of these surveys.  I am hoping to get one age group of kids my age (around 17), as well as an age group that involves happily married couples (around 40).  I think that it will be interesting to see the acceptance rate of the people who are happily married and understand the true concept of love, as apposed to teenagers who may view Polygamy in a more skeptical way.  Since it is a radical practice, and strays far from the norm it will be interesting to see how many people, if any, accept this practice.  I believe that more married women and men, as well as any people who believe in gay rights will be more opened and accepting of Polygamy.  The only reason I mention people who are accepting of gay rights is because they have completely understood that love is a universal feeling, and does not have to be limited to only a man and a woman. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Putting Polygamy to the Test

In order to apply my research to the opinions of others, I am going to create a survey with about fifteen questions about Polygamy.  Since many people are unaware of what Polygamy even is the first question will simply be "Do you know what Polygamy is?"  If the answer is no, then they can flip to the back of the survey sheet and a detailed definition about Polygamy will be provided for them.  I am going to give a majority of these surveys to a range of teenagers, but I am also going to give it to both men and women who are married, and see which age group is more opened and accepting of such a different and radical type of culture.  I think it will be very interesting to see the different rates of acceptance within these age groups!