Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Final Views of Polygamy

I have come a long way from not even knowing what the word Polygamy meant, to knowing specific situations of polygamous families after doing much research.  I personally really enjoyed learning about this topic, it extremely interesting, and there was something new that I learned every time that I published a blog post.  I was very skeptical about Polygamy when I was first introduced to what it was.  I could not understand how these families functioned, and how any reward of happiness came out of these situations, but my views have changed completely.  Not only do I fully appreciate that people are able to be so different and still cary such pride, but I admire these people for standing up for what they believe in.

I believe that love within these families and these radical situations should not be judged by any means. In no way, shape, or form are these people, hurting, degrading, or disturbing anyone else.  It may be weird and uncomfortable for many, but this is how these people express love for another person/people.  Loving more than one person and being apart of a unified family with everyone working together to make things work is what these people enjoy.  I also learned that a lot of people who practice polygamy grew up in a polygamous family themselves, so for many it is really all that they know.  We automatically think as outsiders that this is weird, unusual, and not morally right but just like these practicers don't judge monogamous marriages, we should not judge their way of loving just because it is different and does not fit the social norm.

I also discovered through my research that a big portion of the supporters of this practice come from gay-rights organizations.  We can draw the connection between these two groups in the area that states that they stray from societal norms.  I think at this point with gay-marriage being legal in 17 states, we can agree that just because the marriage is between people of the same gender, doesn't mean that they love each other any less or differently that opposite sex marriages.  Being accepting of all people is something that our society needs to work on as a whole.  Judgement and the urge to ridicule is something that comes easily to the human condition unfortunately, but part of making peace within our country and our society in general is being accepting.

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