Monday, March 10, 2014



© Jeremy Vega
L, is for the Laughter I give to you every day 
knowing you'll never go away

O, is for the Options we'll have when were together 
knowing our love couldn't get any better

V, is for the Visions I have of you 
knowing I'll never find anyone quite like you

E, is for Everything that's true I've every said 
especially when I said "we'll be together till were dead"


Above is a poem that I found online about love that specifically appealed to me.  While keeping this in mind I tried not to restrict my thoughts to just love shared between a man and a woman.  I thought about the loving relationship shared by a mother and her daughter, a wife and her husband, a gay, married couple, and people in polygamous families.  Regardless of what you practice or believe in, the meaning and feeling of love does not change.  Love to one person may feel differently than love to next person, but it serves the same purpose.  It is a human emotion to feel love, and to feel the joy and comfort that love provides.

This bring me back to the "live and let live" idea that i've touched upon in earlier posts.  After studying and researching polygamous societies and many different families, I believe that their should not be restriction put on love.  If you find love and acceptance out of a polygamous family, then so be it.  No one else can tell you what is morally just and what is not, only you can decide that for yourself.  Acts of polygamy come with many negativities, but all relationships have their issues, and if you love the person or people you are dealing with, then you will do everything in your power to work things out.  Love is patient, kind, and unlimited.  If we were only capable of loving one person in our lives (ex: only loving your mother), than we would be restricted on the beautiful relationships that God intended for us to create. 


  1. I agree with everything in the post above. In society, polygamous relationships are generally looked down upon, but as Steph said, "live and let live". The facets of love mentioned in the poem apply not only to a straight married couple, but to all loving relationships. I believe society should be focused more on love and not the different forms in which it comes. Whether the love is in a gay, straight or polygamous relationship, it is still love. Love does not look one way; it is present in all places if we look for it. As long as a relationship is based on love, it should always be accepted by all people.

  2. #4- This post is actually very interesting and so your statement saying if you truly find love in a polygamous marriage, then so be it and how nobody can tell you what is morally right or wrong. That made me think twice about how acts in our country are differenlty judged, then if they were done in another country, so you're right, who is to tell us whats right and wrong? I really liked how you said, "Regardless of what you practice or believe in, the meaning and feeling of love does not change," because that's true. This can make people question whether polygamy is really as bad as everyone believes it to be.

  3. This post is very beautiful! Love really is a universal emotion, even if the words and specifics of it change from person to person. It's something that's both deeply individual and deeply universal. Just because one would not personally be a specific type of relationship is no reason to knock other people who are happy. I honestly did not except to see that someone would be okay with polygamous relationships. While there can be problems in these relationships, that also applies to all sorts of relationships. Demonizing this kind of love, which can be genuine, long-term, and beautiful, doesn't help anyone.
