Monday, February 3, 2014

A Look into "Sister Wives"

Although Polygamy is illegal and not practiced in all 50 states, it is something that is brought to our attention through the popular show, Sister Wives.  This video demonstrates a sneak peak into the show, and what it is really about.  I thought it was an informative video, and introduction to the show because it touches upon a lot of factors of this practice.  The first and the most obvious being, the numerous amount of wives within a family.  One of the newer woman coming into the family describes how she knew that it was going to be difficult situation and something she would have get used to, but she never knew that it would break her heart.  This shows the emotional aspect, and shows that you have to have certain views in order to make this way of living work.  For example, another wife describes how someone asked her how she is okay with her husband going away with another wife, and knowing that they are having sexual intercourse, and she says "they better."  Therefore, the audience has to assume that you have to view marriage and accept the differences that come along with this way of marriage in a more opened way.  Jealousy is something that is a natural reaction in any person regardless if they are in a marriage or simply a new relationship, but in a family like this, it is something you have to look past.  Another factor that is shown briefly in this video is the quantity of these families.  In this particular family there are thirteen children, and some of them have different mothers, and others do not, but they all have the same father.  As you can see, the practice of Polygamy causes awfully sticky situations, and has to be something you are completely open to if you are partaking in this way of living.

1 comment:

  1. I had always heard of the show "Sisters Wives" but I never knew what it was truly about. It shocked me to see how large the families were and how many wives were married to one man. It also shocked me to see how that one women was supportive and completely okay with her husband having sexual relations with another woman. The man also seemed to think it was completely normal to have more than one wife.
